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Better Cities Feb 2023
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Better Cities | Feb 2023

What makes a Loveable City
Public-Private Partnerships in Urban Mobility

Cities like Singapore need efficient transportation systems to physically connect people, goods and places. In recent years, more public-private partnerships have begun to shape the development and provision of smart urban mobility solutions in our cities. Given rapid developments in the transport sector, there is a need for nimbleness and for all stakeholders to work together.
This article was first carried in the Business Times, on 10 Feb 2023.
5 min read
Key Takeaways from the World Cities Summit Science of Cities Symposium: Complexity Science for Adaptive and Sustainable Cities

At the inaugural World Cities Summit Science of Cities Symposium, speakers emphasised the importance for the city to be recognised as a systemof- systems, which could be better managed with feedback loops that are informed by the effective use of big data. As cities are inherently unpredictable, the challenge for city planners is to make long-term plans that are robust, while having comprehensive transition management, even as assumptions, real world conditions, and technologies evolve. This makes real-time data increasingly important to realise optionality rather than to predict exactly what would happen next. This article also illustrates three pathways to better harness technologies for urban development.
8 min read
Bangkok — Towards a Low-Carbon City

As Bangkok grows as a metropolis, environmental challenges such as air pollution, wastewater and solid waste generation are becoming more complex. Climate change is also driving Bangkok’s need to mitigate and adapt especially in view of growing energy consumption by various sectors which would worsen air pollution and carbon emissions. Determined to address these challenges, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration developed strategies centered on energy conservation and their transition to a lowcarbon society.
5 min read
Urban Solutions #21 | Singapore: Designing a Loveable City

The Loveable Singapore Project is a multi-party initiative that seeks to uncover what residents love about their city, and what else would boost that love. Led by the DesignSingapore Council as part of an ongoing conversation about Singapore’s future as a loveable city for all, the study gave birth to the Loveability Framework, which maps out a spectrum of emotional connections to the city.
3 min read